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theatre performance


Between Me and P. is an autobiographical work that rises from the strong need to take back hold of a true family story.

Pietro disappeared voluntarily in 1987 at the age of 22, leaving behind no traces. After twentyfive years Filippo, his younger brother, started a long research aimed at approaching his figure and understanding what brought him to the decision to disappear. The research is an attempt to cast light on a silent and pervasive absence, and its scenic elaboration is a chance to tell a story that speaks deeply to our individual and collective present.

by and with  Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi
tutor Daria Deflorian in the frame of the artistic residence Officina LachesiLAB

attendance to the realization: Alessandra De Santis e Attilio Nicoli Cristiani

attendance to choreography: Cinzia Delorenzi

assistants to the project: Clara F. Crescini, Sara Gambini Rossano, Francesca S. Perilli

production: Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi, Teatro delle Moire / Danae Festival - 2016

with the support of: ZONA K

duration: 70'

international version: Italian + English overtitles

BETWEEN ME AND P. _new edition of the performance accessible to people with hearing or visual disabilities  

Premiered on August 24th 2023 at Festival OperaEstate - Bassano del Grappa

by and with_ Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi
performer LIS/it_ Cesare Benedetti
consulenza LIS/it_ Diana Anselmo
audiodescription_ Camilla Guarino, Giuseppe Comuniello

choreographic support_ Clara F. Crescini

with the support of_ ZONA K, ENS Emilia Romagna, Centro Diego Fabbri Forlì

with the patronage of_ Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti ETS Consiglio Regionale Emilia-Romagna

production: Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi, Teatro delle Moire / Danae Festival - Operaestate Festival - 2024


overtitles_ Italian for deaf people + English

duration_ 70 minutes

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